After sales service

We are glad that you have chosen to buy from Creaciones Meng, S.L., when you receive your order, please check and confirm the number of packages and their condition before signing the delivery note of the carrier. If you are unable to check the goods, simply indicate on the delivery note that you will "check later", you must also bear in mind that before signing the delivery note, you must check and confirm the number of packages and their condition.

By signing the delivery note, you are confirming that the goods are in good condition and Creaciones Meng, S.L., is exempt from any responsibility.

If you cannot inspect the goods, you can simply indicate on the delivery note that the goods are "Pending inspection". If there is something abnormal in the packaging, you can mention it on the carrier's delivery note or even take a photo at the same time, the transport agency does not accept any breakage that has not been mentioned on the delivery note corresponding to the delivery of the order.

We are always here to help you! If you have any problems with your purchase, please let us know within 48 hours of receiving the goods. You can easily do this by emailing us at attcliente@creameng.com and you can tell us why and attach photos.

Should you need to return an item, please ensure that it is returned in the original packaging and has not been assembled or used. We will collect the damaged part from the same address at which it was delivered and, once checked at the factory, we will replace it.

If your item is faulty, we will replace it free of charge, unless there is insufficient stock of the same item, in which case we will simply deduct it from your next invoice.

As these are handmade products, there may be slight variations in shades, shapes and sizes. If you have any questions about this, please do not hesitate to check all the information with attcliente@creameng.com before placing your order, they will be happy to help you.

We just wanted to remind you that you have 24 hours to notify us of any breakages and 48/72 hours to notify us of any original damage, we ask that you keep the original packaging in case you need to return any items.


All materials are guaranteed for a period of two years from the date of invoice, provided that the defect is a manufacturing defect, the guarantee allows the replacement of the article free of charge, but the cost of the article will never be refunded.


For any dispute arising from the breach of the conditions of sale, both parties expressly submit to the courts and tribunals of Onteniente (Valencia, Spain), renouncing their own if this is another.

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